Bug Fixes
- When an item is scanned in purchase invoice, it allows to scan it even if the item master data is not present. This happens when the Purchase Order is synced from HO.
- If the Purchase Invoice is saved without posting and is reopened for editing - it can be saved even if it has items for which item master data is not present.
- If the day closing has been posted and the date change over at midnight - system allows to post entries in the old date despite the day closing.
- Error when posting Sales Receipt, if the item is batch managed and warehouse has bins enabled.
- Cash Transactions are not blocked after the day closing is completed.
- Deposits are not blocked after the day closing is completed.
- Total Amounts in Credit Memo is not rounded, when rounding method is selected in B1Bazaar.
- Hide inactive business partners in purchase documents, as per the system setting.
- Block future date in day closing transactions.
- Block cash transaction if day closing is not done for previous day, if day closing is enforced.
- Block deposits if day closing is not done for previous day, if day closing is enforced.